Inaugurated on April 21, 1960, Brasília is the result of decades of planning. In fact, since the period of the Inconfidência Mineira in 1810, there had been thoughts of establishing the seat of the federal government far from the ports, thus ensuring the country's security. From then on, the idea began to take shape and some small advances were made towards making it viable. In 1823, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva suggested the name Brasília. After the 1946 Constitution, studies began to determine the location of the new capital. In 1955, an area of 50 thousand square kilometers was delimited in the Central Plateau, where the Federal District is currently located.
The construction of Brasília began in 1956, during the government of President Juscelino Kubistchek. With the creation of the New Capital Urbanization Company (Novacap) and Bill 2,874, the government launched the call for proposals for the Pilot Plan Competition, which was won by Lúcio Costa. He and architect Oscar Niemeyer designed the city, which is shaped like an arched cross. Divided into Asa Sul, Asa Norte and the Eixo Monumental, Brasília has one of the most beautiful architectural complexes in the world. It is no wonder that in 1987, it was declared a World Heritage Site.